Here's me looking HUGE!
On July 21st I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was really high so they sent me to the hospital to get a 3D ultrasound to make sure my baby was okay. I was already dilated and almost completely effaced so she said I would go into labor sometime this week but to make an appointment for next week just in case. Next week came and I still hadn't gone into labor. I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was crazy high and said that I had preeclampsia and the only cure is having the baby. So she sent me to the hospital to get induced. Everything went pretty quick after that. I got into the labor room and Derek got really sick. He had just done really intense chemo a couple days before so he kept disappearing into the bathroom. At 11am they started the pitocin. At 1pm my doctor came in and broke my water. At 145 pm I got my epidural. Pretty quickly after that I was 10 cm and started to push.
At 501 pm Camden Allen Beach was born weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces and was 18 inches long. Derek was great through the whole thing. Even being so sick he never complained and was there for me every second I needed him.
In September Derek got his first transplant. This one he did outpatient. He did one day of super intense chemo. And the next day he got his cells back. It wiped him out pretty bad. He shaved his head because his hair was falling out but it was falling out too slow for him. Since he started chemo in last November he has kept his hair and wanted for once to look like he actually had cancer.We were living our life as a happy family. In October Derek and I celebrated our One year anniversary.
Here is Derek getting his cells back for the last time!
After that it was just a healing process for the both of us. Derek got called as second counselor in the Sunday school presidency. I got called as the secretary in the Primary. I went back to work right after Thanksgiving. We also had a wonderful Christmas. Even though Camden doesn't understand about Christmas yet we still had a blast buying and wrapping his presents and watching him as we opened them for him.
Our Christmas was wonderful! It was so nice to be together.
This has been a tough year but it was made sweeter by the arrival of our little boy. Heavenly Father sure has been watching over us and taken great care of us. Our family and friends have been angels to us and have really looked out for us. We couldn't be more grateful. It has also made us all the more grateful to be an eternal family.
Your son is such a cutie!
Yay I'm so glad that you are my best friend!! I love you all so much and I know that 2010 will be super awesome for you and for us! Love you, love Derek and love my lil Camden!
Dear Beach Family,
My name is Jean and I’m a volunteer with the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link. Our organization helps patients, caregivers, and families cope with the social and emotional challenges of transplant by providing vital information and personalized support services. We subscribe to Google blog alerts, where we found your story.
Please know that others are thinking of you and pulling for you! To learn more about our programs and services, please visit or call 800-546-5268.
All the best!
Kaaaelaa I love you and your little family so much!!! I am so proud of you guys and glad that things are finally easing up on you! I miss you like crazy!!
I'm glad you posted all that you did and this recap was great to read. Thanks for sharing your life and your husband with the world. It's touched a lot of lives and lifted a lot of down hearts.
Post more? I need to be updated here.
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